IT Specialist & Developer
IT Specialist Personal Blog, Specialized in Information Security, Compliance, Business Development, and Active Software Developer
Problem: During development of an ASP.NET application, every time I recompile a specific assembly, it causes the entire site to get recompiled then IIS is taking more time to recompile pages again. It is time consuming, and causes frustration during debugging and fine tuning of elements in specific ASP.NET pages.
Solution: Set optimizeCompilations to false in web.config in compilation tag under system.web
This article from Microsoft MSDN describes the issue in more details
I faced an issue while using Master Page for navigation through an ASP.NET site.
Once I create the web form, and select the master page from porperties, a message will show up “the page contains markup that is not valid when attached to master page”.
To get rid of this problem, in your aspx page you will need to remove all the html declarations added to the web form automatically by the Visual Studio, like the below listed code.
After creating a new website under IIS 7, and passing 500-Internal error, another error faced me with 403 code.
I changed the Application pool settings from Integrated to Classic, and still getting 403 error.
After chekcing through the sites settings with With IIS 7 Manager, , then I found the the authentication settings of the anonymous authentication mapped to IUSR, changed it to Application Pool Identity and get the site showing up.
During my installation of new web application, standard .NET application website.
I created a new IIS web site through the standard IIS 7 manager, after configuring all required parameters, I tried to open the website through the browser, I got this message